Board Certified PI Specialties

Internal Medicine - Rheumatology - OBGYN - Pediatric - Dermatology - Cardiology - Urology - Podiatry - Ophthalmology - General Surgery - Geriatrics - Pain Management - Anesthesiology - Pulmonary Medicine - Critical Care - Gastroenterology


Sleep Lab (EEG, polysomnography studies and MSLT's)

CLIA waived diagnostic laboratory

Secured investigational drug storage facilities

Complete pulmonary unit with spirometry, peak flow monitoring and Survey System Plus

Weight Management and

Nutrition Center

Drug Testing

Double-lock refrigerators

Point-of-care testing

Certified Endoscopy Unit within 10 miles of each location

Onsite peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) isolation

Back Up Generator

X - Ray

Freezers (-20°C –and -70°C)

Laminar fume hood and sterile drug preparation area

Unblinded Pharmacist

Dedicated Liver Biopsy, MRI PDFF, MRE liver facility within 10-15 minutes

Bone density

In - House Sleep Lab

Refrigerated Centrifuge


Blinded Pharmacist

24/7 Temperature Recording

